Wednesday, 14 October 2009

The Dishy Doc vs Fuck Buddy's

Wednesday 23rd Sept
Off to see the “dishy doc” today. This is my doctor who is my private doc and who I speak with most days and see at least once a month. He was revolutionary to me during the last 6 months and in previous years as well. He’s fab. Apart from being completely lush, he’s such a lovely man. Love going to see him, his chats good, he has a love of shoes (best attribute if you ask me – but then again what man doesn’t have a love of 6 inch heels?) and he just makes me feel amazing. I always leave there feeling on top of the world, he has that ability to make you feel like you are the most important person in his life. Bless. We discuss the dating malarky, I tell him what I have planned for the week ahead as well as my date with Mr Blah. I tell him that the two things I need in life right now are a gay friend (think Gok Wan girls, every one of us needs one of them) and a Fuck Buddy. I’m beginning to think that instead of this dating malarky that may be the way to go. No strings, no hassles just a shag and then out the door afterwards. Some of my friends think I will never be able to do this as I get too emotionally attached. To them I say “no way, its about time I did stay emotionally detached” mmmm must ponder the FB route. So just discussing this very topic with the Dishy Doc when he replies “you know SvK if I wasn’t attached I would be your FB if you would have me!” too bloody right I think to myself but its one of those situations when you are not prepared for that being a response so you just sink into yourself. That’s what I did. I sat there pretending I hadn’t heard what he said and started talking about Lily.. Two golden rules – 1) Never venture on someone’s patch as it were – I have been on that receiving side of someone cheating on my and I wouldn’t wish that on any female. 2) Fuck buddy with a friend means friendship ends. Even if Dishy Doc didn’t meet rule number one then I like him too much as a friend to lose so rule 2 applies as well. Nice though to feel wanted like that though huh? I left the surgery later on with a wee spring in my (need I say it 6 inch YSL heels!) step What happened next was hilarious! There’s me trying to work the room on the way out. Thinking ok I’m a few weeks after having birth, I can suck my stomach in and stride purposefully in these heels. Cool its working – feel great. Next minute that slight wobble in my ankle progresses very fast to a stumble and before I know it I am arse over elbow down full length of myself. Oh dear, not good. Look around sheepishly to a sea of faces with shoulders shaking and can hear the silent laughs…. Get up mortified.. oh well dignity well and trully lost now… Should I give up the shoes I ask myself? Never! Would rather give up Oxygen first! Tell me why is it that woman inflict this amount of pain on themselves to gain what they think is a better looking leg? Answers on a postcard please! Its safe to say after that fall my legs are not looking the best! And lets not even go there with the Bridget Jones pants I am wearing….

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